Magento, Magento 2

How to Add Custom Top Link in Magento 2 PWA

How to Add Custom Top Link in Magento 2 PWA

In this tutorial, Today I will explain to how to add custom top link in Magento 2 PWA. Magento 2 PWA venia theme provide some menus items in top links. But, You want to add custom top links then, you need to customize some points to add custom top links.

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Let’s follow some below steps for that.

  • Magento root directory = {baseUrl} = /var/www/html/m242

1) First of all, You need to override file using webpack plugin. Open {baseUrl}/pwa-studio/packages/venia-concept/webpack.config.js and find this below code to add plugin file code :

const {
    graphQL: {
} = require('@magento/pwa-buildpack');
const {
} = require('webpack');
const HTMLWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = async env => {
     * configureWebpack() returns a regular Webpack configuration object.
     * You can customize the build by mutating the object here, as in
     * this example. Since it's a regular Webpack configuration, the object
     * supports the `module.noParse` option in Webpack, documented here:
    const config = await configureWebpack({
        context: __dirname,
        vendor: [
        special: {
            'react-feather': {
                esModules: true

    const mediaUrl = await getMediaURL();
    const storeConfigData = await getStoreConfigData();
    const {
    } = await getAvailableStoresConfigData();

     * Loop the available stores when there is provided STORE_VIEW_CODE
     * in the .env file, because should set the store name from the
     * given store code instead of the default one.
    const availableStore = availableStores.find(
        }) => code === process.env.STORE_VIEW_CODE

    global.MAGENTO_MEDIA_BACKEND_URL = mediaUrl;
    global.LOCALE = storeConfigData.locale.replace('_', '-');
    global.AVAILABLE_STORE_VIEWS = availableStores;

    const possibleTypes = await getPossibleTypes();

    config.module.noParse = [
    config.plugins = [
        new DefinePlugin({
             * Make sure to add the same constants to
             * the globals object in jest.config.js.
            POSSIBLE_TYPES: JSON.stringify(possibleTypes),
            STORE_NAME: availableStore ?
                JSON.stringify(availableStore.store_name) :
            STORE_VIEW_CODE: process.env.STORE_VIEW_CODE ?
                JSON.stringify(process.env.STORE_VIEW_CODE) :
            AVAILABLE_STORE_VIEWS: JSON.stringify(availableStores),
            DEFAULT_LOCALE: JSON.stringify(global.LOCALE),
            DEFAULT_COUNTRY_CODE: JSON.stringify(
                process.env.DEFAULT_COUNTRY_CODE || 'US'
        new HTMLWebpackPlugin({
            filename: 'index.html',
            template: './template.html',
            minify: {
                collapseWhitespace: true,
                removeComments: true
    const path = require('path');
     * Plugin to override file/components
    const NormalModuleOverridePlugin = require('./src/plugins/normalModuleOverrideWebpackPlugin');
    //const parentPackagePath = '@magento/venia-ui';
    const componentOverrideMapping = {
        ['@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/AccountMenu/useAccountMenuItems.js']: 'src/lib/talons/AccountMenu/useAccountMenuItems.js'
    // Push the override plugin
        new NormalModuleOverridePlugin(componentOverrideMapping)
    return config;

In the above file, this below code is used for override file :

     * Plugin to override file/components
    const NormalModuleOverridePlugin = require('./src/plugins/normalModuleOverrideWebpackPlugin');
    //const parentPackagePath = '@magento/venia-ui';
    const componentOverrideMapping = {
        ['@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/AccountMenu/useAccountMenuItems.js']: 'src/lib/talons/AccountMenu/useAccountMenuItems.js'
    // Push the override plugin
        new NormalModuleOverridePlugin(componentOverrideMapping)


@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/AccountMenu/useAccountMenuItems.js // Core JS file path
src/lib/talons/AccountMenu/useAccountMenuItems.js // override JS file path

2) Now, you need to create this folder {baseUrl}/pwa-studio/packages/venia-concept/src/lib/talons/AccountMenu/ and then, create useAccountMenuItems.js file and paste the below code :

import { useCallback } from 'react';

 * @param {Object}      props
 * @param {Function}    props.onSignOut - A function to call when sign out occurs.
 * @returns {Object}    result
 * @returns {Function}  result.handleSignOut - The function to handle sign out actions.
export const useAccountMenuItems = props => {
    const { onSignOut } = props;

    const handleSignOut = useCallback(() => {
    }, [onSignOut]);

    const MENU_ITEMS = [
            name: 'Order History',
            id: 'accountMenu.orderHistoryLink',
            url: '/order-history'
            name: 'Favorites Lists',
            id: 'accountMenu.favoritesListsLink',
            url: '/wishlist'
            name: 'Address Book',
            id: 'accountMenu.addressBookLink',
            url: '/address-book'
            name: 'Saved Payments',
            id: 'accountMenu.savedPaymentsLink',
            url: '/saved-payments'
            name: 'Communications',
            id: 'accountMenu.communicationsLink',
            url: '/communications'
            name: 'Account Information',
            id: 'accountMenu.accountInfoLink',
            url: '/account-information'
            name: 'Custom Top Link',
            id: 'accountMenu.customtoplink',
            url: '/custom-link'

    return {
        menuItems: MENU_ITEMS

Here, I added Custom Top Link as new top link.

    name: 'Custom Top Link', // Link name
    id: 'accountMenu.customtoplink', // unique id of link
    url: '/custom-link' // Link URL

Now, You need to execute command from pwa root directory :

That’s it !!!

Output :


I hope this blog is easy to understand about how to add custom top link in Magento 2 PWA. In case, I missed anything or need to add some information, always feel free to leave a comment in this blog, I’ll get back with proper solution.

Stay Safe and Stay Connected !!

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