In this tutorial, Today I will explain to how to get products with custom options using GraphQL in Magento 2. After Magento 2.3.x, GraphQL is best feature added in Magento 2. Now, Some functionality by default provided in Magento 2 GraphQL. Now, If you want to fetch Custom options with Products then, you need to execute this below query. For this, CustomizableProductInterface contains informations about custom options.
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Firstly, Open ChromiQL to check response. After that, you need to pass product sku inside query. Now, You need to execute this below query in your ChromiQL to check result :
Request :
{ products(filter: {sku: {eq: "Test Simple product 1"}}) { items { id name sku __typename ... on CustomizableProductInterface { options { title required sort_order option_id ... on CustomizableFieldOption { product_sku field_option: value { sku price price_type max_characters } } ... on CustomizableAreaOption { product_sku area_option: value { sku price price_type max_characters } } ... on CustomizableDateOption { product_sku date_option: value { sku price price_type } } ... on CustomizableDropDownOption { drop_down_option: value { option_type_id sku price price_type title sort_order } } ... on CustomizableRadioOption { radio_option: value { option_type_id sku price price_type title sort_order } } ... on CustomizableCheckboxOption { checkbox_option: value { option_type_id sku price price_type title sort_order } } ... on CustomizableMultipleOption { multiple_option: value { option_type_id sku price price_type title sort_order } } ... on CustomizableFileOption { product_sku file_option: value { sku price price_type file_extension image_size_x image_size_y } } } } } } }
Response :
{ "data": { "products": { "items": [ { "id": 210, "name": "Test Simple product 1", "sku": "Test Simple product 1", "__typename": "SimpleProduct", "options": [ { "title": "Radio Custom Options", "required": true, "sort_order": 1, "option_id": 1485, "radio_option": [ { "option_type_id": 5030, "sku": null, "price": 10, "price_type": "FIXED", "title": "A", "sort_order": 1 }, { "option_type_id": 5031, "sku": null, "price": 20, "price_type": "FIXED", "title": "B", "sort_order": 2 } ] }, { "title": "Checkbox Custom Options", "required": true, "sort_order": 2, "option_id": 1486, "checkbox_option": [ { "option_type_id": 5032, "sku": null, "price": 30, "price_type": "FIXED", "title": "S", "sort_order": 1 }, { "option_type_id": 5033, "sku": null, "price": 40, "price_type": "FIXED", "title": "L", "sort_order": 2 } ] }, { "title": "Dropdown Custom Option", "required": false, "sort_order": 3, "option_id": 1487, "drop_down_option": [ { "option_type_id": 5034, "sku": null, "price": 50, "price_type": "FIXED", "title": "A", "sort_order": 1 }, { "option_type_id": 5035, "sku": null, "price": 60, "price_type": "FIXED", "title": "B", "sort_order": 2 } ] }, { "title": "Multi Select Custom Option", "required": false, "sort_order": 4, "option_id": 1488, "multiple_option": [ { "option_type_id": 5036, "sku": null, "price": 70, "price_type": "FIXED", "title": "C", "sort_order": 1 }, { "option_type_id": 5037, "sku": null, "price": 80, "price_type": "FIXED", "title": "D", "sort_order": 2 } ] }, { "title": "Field type custom option ", "required": false, "sort_order": 5, "option_id": 1489, "product_sku": "Test Simple product 1", "field_option": { "sku": null, "price": 80, "price_type": "FIXED", "max_characters": 0 } }, { "title": "Area type Custom option ", "required": false, "sort_order": 6, "option_id": 1490, "product_sku": "Test Simple product 1", "area_option": { "sku": null, "price": 90, "price_type": "FIXED", "max_characters": 0 } }, { "title": "Date type Custom Option", "required": false, "sort_order": 7, "option_id": 1491, "product_sku": "Test Simple product 1", "date_option": { "sku": null, "price": 100, "price_type": "FIXED" } } ] } ] } } }
Here, You can see that
- CustomizableFieldOption (For Field type custom options)
- CustomizableAreaOption (For Area type custom options)
- CustomizableDateOption (For Date type custom options)
- CustomizableDropDownOption (For Drop Down type custom options)
- CustomizableRadioOption (For Radio type custom options)
- CustomizableCheckboxOption (For Checkbox type custom options)
- CustomizableMultipleOption (For Multi Select type custom options)
- CustomizableFileOption (For File type custom options)
Above all, are useful for different type of custom options. So, You can use from there which you want to get in response. Rest of fields you can remove which is non used.
That’s it !!!
Execute URL :
Where Base URL : and End Point : graphql
I hope this blog is easy to understand about how to get products with custom options using GraphQL in Magento 2. In case, I missed anything or need to add some information, always feel free to leave a comment in this blog, I’ll get back with proper solution.
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